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Service Times:
Sunday School:
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Morning Worship:
10:15 AM (Hybrid)
Bible Study:
12 Noon via Conference Call
7:00PM via Zoom
(941) 951-6120
The monument of bricks and stone supported by bands of steel, tinted walls, the lights that shed their glow makes their appeal. This structure, very inch of it with its base pressed deep in the sod; was built with the hands of men who knew that the builder in truth was God.
The prayers for this structure were laid long ago at the door of the throne up above; there were sacrifices made, and toil never ceased for this building that’s founded on love, these walls cry out with a message that’s clear; from those who have gone on before; that if peace would reign in this house on the corner, the builder must walk as of yore.
In 1924, Bethel Colored Methodist Episcopal Church was organized. As far as can be remembered, it was either the spring or summer when a small group of true believers met to organize this church. As these organizational meetings were Brothers Ed Maxwell, Edmond Wreavers, Brother and Sister Carrie Chapman, Lorenzo Davis and family, Brother and Sister Ed Wilcox, and Sister Julia Ball.
In 1958 following the General Conference the word “Colored” was changed to “Christian.”
The name “Bethe” was suggested and Sister Julia Ball. Today, the year of (2023) the name is: Bethel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and (NOT BethEL).
Many pastors have served Bethel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Bethel is a breeding ground for preachers. Twenty-five preachers have received their “Calling” to the ministry at Bethel Christian Methodist Church. Some have made their transition to their heavenly home; some have and still are pastoring. What a great and Mighty God we served.
One-hundred and four-years, later, in the year of our Lord, Two-Thousands and four years (2023), Bethel CME Church have withstood the test of time and is currently located on the original landmark, (the Church on the Corner of 22nd Street and Maple Avenue) the light shine as a beacon on a hilltop.
We thank and owe a tremendous gratitude to Sister Nancy J. Knight serving as Bethel’ Church Historian.
Copyright © 2021 South Florida District of The CME Church - All Rights Reserved.